Hello My Living Dead Girl Fans,
The End of MY LIVING DEAD GIRL you say? No, no not "THE END". This weeks special episode of A NEW LIFE is going to be the last episode you'll see for 7 weeks. The strip is going on hiatus.
Well, my wife and I have had our 1st child ( HUGO ) on January 3rd and I want to spend some time being a father. Diaper changes, 3am feedings and drool! It will be a blast! There will be All NEW strips starting on Friday March 3rd. Please be diligent GAK-A-TEERS and take the time to look over some of the older strips. I've made some small changes to ALL of them. NO! I didn't go crazy on them like George Lucas did to the original Star Wars films. I just did little stuff, like backgrounds and lighting. Gave them more of a darker feeling. I think the strips looks better and are now constant. Tell me what you think.
So thats, that GAK FANS. See you in 11 weeks for episode 4 of 3rd Period of the Damned!