Hello My Living Dead Girl Fans,
The End of MY LIVING DEAD GIRL you say? No, no not "THE END". This weeks special episode of A NEW LIFE is going to be the last episode you'll see for 7 weeks. The strip is going on hiatus.
Well, my wife and I have had our 1st child ( HUGO ) on January 3rd and I want to spend some time being a father. Diaper changes, 3am feedings and drool! It will be a blast! There will be All NEW strips starting on Friday March 3rd. Please be diligent GAK-A-TEERS and take the time to look over some of the older strips. I've made some small changes to ALL of them. NO! I didn't go crazy on them like George Lucas did to the original Star Wars films. I just did little stuff, like backgrounds and lighting. Gave them more of a darker feeling. I think the strips looks better and are now constant. Tell me what you think.
So thats, that GAK FANS. See you in 11 weeks for episode 4 of 3rd Period of the Damned!
congrats on the new little baby gakateer.
From me and my wife, Michelle, congradulations on the birth of Hugo. Part of me already resents him for stealing MLDG away from us for such a long hiatus, but the dad in me is full on supportive. That's just awesome, Jason. Enjoy these moments to the fullest. It's the best experience in the worlds.
Cheers, and welcome to the world Hugo!
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